srutha prakAsikA bhattar

srimathE rAmAnujAya nama:
srimadh varavaramunayE nama:
sri vAnAchala mahAmunayE nama:

thirunakshathram: not known

avathAra sthalam: srIrangam

AchAryan: vEdha vyAsa bhattar, nadAthUr ammAL

Works: srutha prakAsikai, srutha pradhIpikai, vyAkyAnam for vEdhArtha sangraham (thAthparya dhIpikai), vyAkyAnams for sharaNAgathi gadhyam and subhAla upanishadh, suka pakshIyam

Born as the grand son of vEdha vyAsa bhattar and named as sudhasana sUri (sudharsana bhattar), he becomes to be a great scholar of our sampradhAyam. He is the one who wrote the most important/in-depth commentaries for srI bhAshyam named srutha prakAsikai and srutha pradhIpikai. He named them such that it will be understood that the principles are explained as heard from emperumAnAr through nadAthUr ammAL.

bhattar went to kAnchIpuram to learn srI bhAshyam from ammAL. ammAL, appreciating bhattar’s brilliance and intellect, use to wait for him to arrive for the kAlakshEpam and only then he will start his lectures. Some sishyas of ammAL started saying that it is because of bhattar’s high family background ammAL was being partial towards him. ammAL wanting to reveal the glories of bhattar, once stops in the middle of a lecture and asks everyone what he explained the previous day on that topic. While everyone else is dumb-founded, bhattar beautifully explains everything word-by-word. Seeing that, ammAL‘s sishyas understand the greatness of bhattar.

Just like nampiLLai, periyavAchAn piLLai, etc wrote commentaries for dhivya prabhandhams and firmly established the in-depth meanings of them, bhattar wrote commentaries for srI bhAshyam, vEdhArtha sangraham, etc and established the in-depth meanings of samskritha vEdhAntham.

Thus, we have seen some glimpses of the glorious life of srutha prakAsikA bhattar. He was fully a great scholar and was very dear to nadAthUr ammAL. Let us pray at his lotus feet that we too get a little bit of such bhAgavatha nishtai.

srutha prakAsikA bhattar’s thaniyan:

yathIndhra krutha bhAshyArthA yadh vyAkyAnEna dharsithA:
varam sudharsanAryam tham vandhE kUra kulAdhipam

யதீந்த்ர க்ருத பாஷ்யார்த்தா யத் வ்யாக்யாநேந தர்சிதா:
வரம் ஸுதர்சநார்யம் தம் வந்தே கூர குலாதிபம்

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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Sources: periya thirumudi adaivu, puthUr swAmy’s AchAryargaL vaibhavam

8 thoughts on “srutha prakAsikA bhattar”

  1. Adien, is it possible to give the gist of the srhruta prakashike in simple words for for lay people like us? The brief but beautiful note on the mahacharya was a delight to go through

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